The Travel Seven: Taiyesha Baker

Taiyesha Baker
Home City/Country: Indianapolis, United States
Occupation: Nursing Student
 IG: @Taiyland
Passport Stamps Include: Ireland, United Kingdom, Spain

1. My best travel memory so far is…Going to the very edge of the Cliffs of Moher. I've never been more in awe, or humbled by a natural creation. I felt so small yet insanely powerful. It was a sweet contradiction. My problems, my worries they became conquerable and my existence was importance. Its an amazing, eerie, quiet place that everyone should see.

2. My favorite hotel & why…The Casa Aloe, in Granada, Andalucía, Spain. Its the epitome of old, Spanish living. Its surrounded by Almond Orchards, which lend a the nicest rustic vibe and nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains so the views are breath taking.  Chestnut beams, white bedrock, heated pool. I loved it.
3. My must-haves on any flight are…Two or 3 good books. I love for one of them to take place in the location where I'm going. Tylenol, neck pillow, scented eye covers, Cozy socks, favorite snacks, headphones, my iPad.
4. When I’m on the road, I absolutely hate…Bad music and bad company. It can't get any worse.
5. My dream destination or vacation is…Iceland. I'm dying to go to Iceland ever since I read a wonderful coming-of-age travel memoir titled What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding. Its absolutely gorgeous there, and rather unchanged by man.
6. The three things I can’t travel without are…A hat, my passport, any my notebook.
7. The top lesson I’ve learned while traveling is… Do be afraid, but don't let it immobilize you. Fear is natural and unavoidable. However, what is unacceptable is letting it rob you of your moments and experiences. I refuse to leave trips wondering "what if I had, or if only I had." Be afraid, but be adventurous.
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