Rihanna, Chris Brown Hook Up in New York Club, Allegedly

Last night Rihanna and Chris Brown cuddled in public and then did something no one actually saw in a bathroom. Naturally, people assume that when two people go to one bathroom together they're getting it on. Who knows man, who knows. Says the New York Post

“They sat two tables away from each other. Chris made his way over to Rihanna. He raised his shirt and was dancing promiscuously. Then they started dancing together and hugging and kissing in front of everyone.”

Elsewhere Chris' "girlfriend" Karrueche Tran tweeted this on Tuesday, according to the New York Daily News, perhaps after seeing photos of her beau leaving his ex's hotel earlier that day:

“There’s a difference between a man and a boy,” model Karrueche Tran blabbed on Twitter Tuesday morning. “I prefer men.”

Despite this being a messy piece of gossip, I'm clear that domestic violence in relationships often play out in circles of break-ups and make-ups. We shall see where this merry-go-round ends and I'm just praying for the both of them.ps. I told you I didn't believe Chris's "relationship" with Karrueche wasn't real