The Travel Seven: Samira bin Sharifu


When she's not DJing in London or Amsterdam, you can catch Samira bin Sharifu flying from New York to Europe, curating some of the best events around the world. She's a marketer and a visionary with a head for business and an ear for good music.  So of course we had to sit down with her for our latest Travel Seven.Name: Samira bin SharifuCity/Country: London, United KingdomOccupation: DJ, Music Content Creation, Curation and MarketingWebsite/Links: 22 Tracks LondonPassport Stamps: Zanzibar, Tanzania, UAE, Oman, Turkey, America and all of Europe thanks to my EU passport!1. My best travel memory so far: I must say my first travel memory ever: I was only three years old when my parents first took me to New York City. That trip made such an impact on me that I still have vivid memories walking among the skyscrapers for the first time.2. Favorite Hotel & Why: The 236 Hurumzi Hotel in Zanzibar. The hotel used to be the residence of a rich Swahili merchant and they completely restored it to its former glory with antique Zanzibari furnishing. Chilling in the 'North room' in its open-air stone tub looking out over a moon-lit Stone Town...pure bliss.3. My Must-haves On Any Flight Are: My earplugs, eye mask, thick socks and my luck. Luck at getting two seats, or even better three seats, all to myself.4. When I'm On The Road, I Absolutely Hate: Packing! Stuffing your liquids in tiny little bottles and stuffing those in a tiny little bag, figuring out what you're gonna wear three days from now, never having enough space for shoes, etc. This ordeal has resulted in me only getting two or three hours of sleep before departure many a time. 5. My Dream Destination or Vacation: Comores where my grandfather is from, Yemen where my great great grandfather is from and back to Rwanda where my grandmother is from.6. The Three Things I Can't Travel Without: My leave-in hair conditioner, sunglasses, and my music.

7. Top Lesson Learned While Traveling: Never get stressed-out over anything or anyone, it won't let your plane leave sooner, it won't get you through customs quicker and it won't get your luggage to come faster, so why bother...

Already on your second or third passport? Join the Travel Seven and submit your answers today to—if we like them we will post on here on Parlour!