Lauryn Hill's Return, Beyonce and Blue Ivy's Cuteness and Remembering Stephen Lawrence: Parlouroids!

The Beyoncé takeover of 2013 continues but Blue Ivy is stealing her mother's thunder. Despite releasing a new H&M commercial-cum-"Standing On The Sun" single snippet earlier this week, photos of Beyoncé and Jay-Z's first born are blazing across the Innanet.In Newark, Lauryn Hill left court after the judge postponed her sentencing and gave her two weeks to pay back her taxes. Following the proceedings, she announced a renewed deal with Sony Entertainment with an odd Tumblr statement. We might just get new music from L. Boogie yet. Elsewhere, Alicia Keys released her clip for "Fire We Make" with singer Maxwell. In London, British fashion model Jourdan Dunn and singer/songwriter Jade Ewen hung out at the Crazy Bear Club and this week also marked the tenth anniversary of the death of Stephen Lawrence, a black boy killed by racist thugs in the U.K. Lawrence's death changed how the U.K. views race to this day.On a happier note at New York City's Copacabana, Cuba Gooding Jr.Cicely TysonVanessa Williams and Condola Rashad celebrated at the opening night party for their new Broadway show, The Trip To Bountiful. And in Cancun, Will Smith and son Jaden Smith talked up their upcoming sci-fi film After Earth. Oh, and AMC's Mad Men television show about ad men in the 1960s acknowledges not only that black people existed during that time with the character Dawn, but that they had conversations amongst themselves. *claps sarcastically because, is this something we should really be happy about?*