The Barbados Trapamaran Mix, Vol.1

One day in 2013, on a cloudy afternoon in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, two girls had a vision. They were winding down from a soca and reggae-fueled catamaran cruise in Barbados and neither wanted the party to stop. So they planned—what would happen if they blended one of the island's legendary sunset cruises with unlimited food and drink with a soundtrack that was everything they love: hip-hop, r&b, reggae and more? They would call it the 'Trapamaran' and it would be everything you could want in your island life.And then it happened, sooner than expected. To celebrate the nuptials of our own Hillary, the Parlour crew plus exactly 84 of our friends set sail on a Sunday afternoon and proceeded to literally party like it was our last day on earth. There was snorkeling, swimming, non-stop twerking and a pretty entertaining Beyonce "Drunk In Love" impersonation. We also saved a couple from being stranded in the middle of the water after their jet-ski capsized. The Trapamaran saves lives people.And guess what? We'll be doing it all again this November, back in Barbados for the 5th annual Food, Wine Rum Festival. Consider this your save the date to roll with us and in the meanwhile, experience the sounds of the Trapamaran, courtesy of your DJ's favorite DJ...Parler!

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