The Travel Seven: Olivia Christine


Name: Olivia Christine

Home City/Country: New York City/USA

Occupation: Blogger + Consultant

Website/Links: // @ochristine

Passport Stamps Include: United States, Aruba, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, The Bahamas, Grand Cayman, Iceland, The Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, Abu Dhabi, Thailand and heading to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam next!

1. My best travel memory so far is… The moment I realized I could travel the world on my own. I successfully completed a week backpacking unintentionally and made my first batch of nomadic friends! Stranded and broke in Central America, I stepped outside of my shell and woke up to the world around me. I faced my biggest fear: failure. I comforted it, sympathized with it, and then embraced it for everything it taught me. I learned that failure was a part of life, and that with my failure a world of exploration awaited me and my story.

2. My favorite hotel & why… The Divota Apartment Hotel in Split, Croatia was particularly special to my heart because they provided such top-notch service. Their modern apartments and rooms are located in the enchanting old city, in authentic Dalmatian stone homes, and include a full farm-to-table breakfast. They also offer spa services and when they heard about my Lupus made sure to recommend the right service for me based on what has worked on past guests with my disease. I thought that was so sweet and truly appreciated their thoughtfulness.

3. My must-haves on any flight are… Headphones and a favorite scarf. I totally tune out and put on my yoga playlist or watch a movie for a guaranteed relaxing ride. When it is time to nap, I love to cover my face with my scarf to block out any light or distractions.

4. When I’m on the road, I absolutely hate… Bus hair! I have learned to accept my curls (almost a year flatiron-free!) on the road but long bus rides and seat friction do major damage to my tresses. I am too self-conscious to put on a bedtime scarf so I recently learned how to neatly twist my hair into a protective style instead.

5. My dream destination or vacation is… To go on a historical journey of my Puerto Rican lineage and beyond. I don't know much about my ancestry and unfortunately, most of those who did know have long passed. One day, I want to really learn my family tree (if I can figure it out) and visit the many lands and homes that my ancestors hailed from. I want to know their stories. Travel has helped me accidentally unlock some secrets but my dream destination is to go on a full pilgrimage to my past.

6. The three things I can’t travel without are… 1) My medicines! I have Lupus Nephritis so that and my passport are the first things I look for. 2) Baby wipes: LAWD you have no idea how often baby wipes have saved my life. Whether injured, heading to the bathroom, or hiking for four days with no shower, wipes are always in my backpack. 3) My phone or laptop: I cringed writing this because I don't want to admit I rely on technology, but as a blogger and freelance social media manager having one of these (especially my phone) is essential to my income.

7. The top lesson I’ve learned while traveling is… Before politics, before religion, before country lines - we were and ARE one. Travel truly reminds you how much your soul can connect with complete strangers, because maybe we aren't strangers after all.-

Already on your second or third passport? Join the Travel Seven and submit your answers here. Once we review and approve we will feature your profile on Parlour. | #travelfly